Thursday, October 20, 2011

Connecting the Dots

One of my favorite activities as a child was to complete pages and pages of "connect the dots" books.  I could sit forever counting those dots and searching for how the next line would connect to the next dot. I can still remember the excitement that would build as the picture would become more and more clear as I connected more and more dots.  Sometimes I would get impatient and try a short cut.  I'd skip a number or jump across the page to get to the end.  But if I did that, the picture became distorted and didn't make sense.  If, though, I followed the dots in their numerical order, the picture would be clear.  Then I would turn the page and begin another one.  Those dots would entertain me for quite a while.

As I'm continuing to grow up, (I just turned a mere 49 last week) and as I become more mature in my walk with the Lord, God is showing me how to connect the dots in my life that are helping to tell His story.  The story that God continues to tell is very exciting and full of mystery.  Connecting the dots to complete His illustrations, though, takes more than just counting numbers. It takes trust, and complete faith in Jesus Christ to trace His hand in our lives. As I seek Him, I am more acutely aware of His hand guiding mine as He directs me to the next dot, the next, and the next. 

Look closely at these pictures.  What do you see?  It appears to be a mess of childrens blocks stacked randomly and scattered with no purpose.  I use this to illustrate how we need to search for God in the details of our lives.  If we aren't searching for Him, we may miss something incredible that He wants to show us.

For example, about a week ago, Madison and I were in her Orthopedic Dr.'s office.  I was looking for the "Living Real" magazines that I had left there a couple of months earlier and I didn't see any.  I told Madison, "I'll be right back.  I'm going to get a few magazines out of the car."  I came back in and strategically placed them on the tables in the lobby.  Then I sat back in my chair beside my daughter. After her appointment, I really didn't give the magazines much thought.  I took Madison to school and went on about my business.   

This past Tuesday, I received a phone call from a young mom who had picked up the magazine in Dr. Ekman's office.  On the other end of the line, I heard a voice full of joy as she expressed to me what a great magazine Living Real is.  She said, "Keep it up!  I loved it."  She was particularly drawn to an article called "A Real Fireproof Marriage" because in her bible study group they are discussing "forgiveness".  Before I knew it, we had talked about her Bible study group of "cute" girls.  (That's what she calls them.)  I suggested that I could meet her someplace and give her a magazine for each girl in her study and a stack for her to take to her church.  She was ecstatic that I would meet up with her.  If I hadn't listened to the Holy Spirit telling me to go and get more magazines, I would have missed this incredible "dot" that He was connecting and I would have missed God in the details.  Check out the next picture.  Who is in full focus now?

Today, I have a new friend.  Her name is Blair.  She is a precious young mother of two. As we had coffee at Starbucks and shared our stories with each other on Wednesday morning, the excitement about what Christ is doing in her life was just spilling out of her.  Her spirit was so refreshing and it was very evident that she is deeply in love with Jesus.  I knew God had orchestrated this meeting and I was reminded once again of how God is in the details.  It wasn't just happen-stance that Blair was in Dr. Ekman's office, selected a "Living Real" magazine to read, and then called up a complete stranger to encourage her and agree to meet.  This is a beautiful picture of how the love of Jesus Christ can connect His children if we just listen to His voice and are obedient.  God guided both of us to the next "dot".  As a result, His picture, the image of His Son, is continuing to develop in our lives to bring Him more and more glory.  Watch for His hand in your life today.  Don't miss one, single "dot"!

My Pleasure,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Priceless Truth from Noah

As I sat in my familiar place yesterday, four rows back on the piano side of the church, listening to the Word of God being proclaimed with boldness and courage, the Holy Spirit began to point out some very clear truths that I had not seen before in this incredible story of Noah, the ark, and God's picture of Redemption.  As our pastor was moving through his points with great conviction, compassion, and concern, the Spirit was speaking loudly to my heart (mind) some treasures that I needed to hear and see.  You can hear our pastor's sermon at and click on the podcast for October 2, 2011.  If you haven't read the story of Noah lately, go to Genesis chapters 6-9 and refresh your memory.  Just as with every part of God's Word, here lies beneath the surface, truths beyond measure.

I was reminded of the spiritual condition of Noah when the Scripture says, "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." (Gen. 6:8 NKJV)  Even in the midst of perversion, evil, and utter wickedness, Noah loved God and walked with Him.  God found favor, or grace, with Noah because of the righteousness that Noah was "clothed" in.  Noah's faith and life of obedience allowed God to clothe him in righteousness, not Noah's righteousness, but God's righteousness.  Noah was living day by day in sweet communion with the Father.  How do we know this?

God spoke to Noah.  He had conversation with Noah.  Noah wasn't suprised when God spoke because he knew the voice of the One he loved and trusted in.  Noah was a friend of God.  Because God knew Noah's heart, He revealed truths to him that he didn't share with others.  God told Noah of His plan to destroy the world and how He was going to save Noah and his family.  God reveals truths to those who know Him and trust Him.

Even though Noah heard God's plan, he didn't just sit around with the truth he had been given, all puffed up with knowledge and pride.  He acted on the truth immediately.  He proclaimed the truth to the wicked people of the day as they ridiculed and watched him build this "thing" that would save them from the rains (something no one had ever seen because it had never rained on the earth), and let them know that judgement was coming! Their only hope was to repent of their sins and turn from their wicked ways.  God had given Noah the message of salvation and what he had to do to be saved.  Noah had faith and believed what God said.  He spent the next 120 years building the ark, staying focused, and pressing on in obedience to God's design and call on his life.  Noah was "being" saved as he trusted God with his whole heart, and as he acted on his faith everyday by continuing the building of the ark.  Because of his faith, Noah was a very important part of God's redemptive plan (an Old Testament picture of Christ) which was now moving full speed ahead.

In Genesis 6:5-7, God declares how wicked the people are and He says He is grieved in His heart.  He says He is sorry that He ever created man.  This may sound like God is saying He messed up, but we know God is perfect and His ways are perfect.  God didn't mess up.  We did!  And God knew we would.  I believe God is saying that He is so grieved in His heart because His perfect plan of salvation (which was from the foundation of the world), the sacrificial death of His only Son, which will pay the penalty for man's ugly sinfulness, is now moving forward.  The sin of the people grieved God's heart, but the death of His only Son, which had to take place, grieved Him even more.  Our sin still grieves the heart of God, and rightly so, because it is a rejection of His Son, Jesus Christ.  We are called to repentance of sin to replace the rejection of Christ with the reception of Christ.  True repentance leads to true reception.  And true reception of God's Son turns us away from a life of sin to a life of faith, trust and obedience to the Word of God!

In Chapter 7, verse 1, the day of salvation has arrived!  Noah hears God say, "Come into the ark."  What a beautiful visual of what we will hear Christ say one day as we enter heaven. Because we received Him, He will receive us.  He'll say, "Come on in, my child."  If we stay the course, press on, in faith, and trust Christ with our lives wholeheartedly, our salvation will be complete.  Our faith will be made sight just like Noah's was.  We are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.  We can have a personal a relationship with this just, holy, compassionate and patient God by the grace of, and through our faith in Jesus Christ.  We can walk and talk with Him.  We can find favor with Him.  We can have the same strong faith that Noah had if we just believe, trust, and live a life of obedience.  Noah and his family experienced the joy of the Lord while the rest of the world experienced God's wrath and destruction.  The familiar bumper sticker really does say it all, "No Jesus.  No Peace.  Know Jesus.  Know Peace."

How about you today?  Are you walking with the Lord so closely that you know His voice when He speaks?  As His child, sometimes His voice is muffled because we've allowed sin to creep in and crowd out His voice.  Take a spiritual hearing test and see what God is revealing to you.  He may be saying, "Repent of the sin that is clogging up your heart so you can hear Me.  I have things I want you to know.  I miss our conversations and because of your disobedience, you are distorting the image of My Son in your life and our relationship isn't what it could be... and there are consequences for that." 

If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you can.  Place your trust, faith and hope in the One who knows you best and loves you most.  Believe in Him today.  Stop rejecting Him and receive Him into your life.  You don't have to live a life of despair.  Begin a life of hope today- receive Him!

My Pleasure,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"We Will Never Forget!" (or have we?)

Bumper stickers, signs and banners, hats, shirts, etc... all bearing the phrase, "We Will Never Forget!" The most horrific event in my lifetime occured 10 years ago on September 11, 2001.  I remember watching with horror and disbelief as the tragedy unfolded on the television. Watching that unbelievable cloud of dust and debris rolling down the streets of New York City like a tsunami engulfing everything in it's path; people emerging from the dust cloud looking like zombies.  Who could do such a thing?   I remember thinking about the freedom that we all share but take for granted in this country.  I thought about my then 6 year old daughter and 11 year old son.  Were they safe in their classrooms at school?  Should I go get them and bring them home?  What or who was the terrorists' next target? Those poor people!  What about their families?  How do these people get past something this devestating? As I relived that day with the rest of the nation, it was as horrifying as the first time I watched.  

Now a decade has past.  My children are 16 and 21.  We have lived through another 10 years, and some  have passed away during these last 10 years.  Life for most of us has moved on, but those who lost their lives that day missed the past 10 years with their families;  watching their children grow up, graduations, marriages, births, Mother's Days, Father's Days, Christmases, vacations, etc... And for those who were left, what should be joyful occasions, are bittersweet because someone is missing.

My church family remembered the 9/11 tenth anniversary through a musical called "Shelter" based on the 46th Psalm.  My family remembered through images on TV and conversation.  The country remembered through memorials and special services, TV interviews with survivors, and interviews with family members of survivors.  For me, the entire weekend was heavy and very somber.  In what way did you remember?

Horrific acts are remembered, reviewed, revisited, and retold throughout history such as World War I, World War II, Pearl Harbor, The Korean War, Vietnam, The Hollocaust, The Oklahoma bombing, Columbine, etc.  But there is another horrific story that still needs to be retold today and everyday...the story of the cross.  It was a horrific death for anyone, but especially for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He chose to leave heaven, to give His life, and die on a cross for you and me;  to take on the wrath of God Almighty, His Father, to take the punishment for our sins, yours and mine.  He bore the horrible scourgings, beatings, being spat upon, being humiliated, and the crown of thorns placed on his head, and excruciating pain. While His blood flowed, He was nailed to a cruel cross, and hung to die a slow death for all to see.  This was the most incredible event ever in the history of mankind.  He chose death so we could live life through Him and with the power of the Holy Spirit.  His life was the only one that could satisfy the wrath of God for the sins of the world once and for all.  Jesus tells us to remember Him every time we receive the Lord's Supper.  That's how church families remember together.  But how do we remember, review, revisit, and retell the greatest story ever told in front of the world, and tell those who may have never heard the story of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, redemption and healing?  Simple!  Live out what Christ died for.  Live out what you have received from Him. Live a life of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing, each and everyday!  Our lives should be a "His-story" book!

Dear Jesus,
Help me to never forget the lives that were lost in 9/11, their families, the first responders, soldiers who have given their lives, and the soldiers still fighting for freedom today.  Help me to never forget that I live in the greatest nation in the world built on Your truths.  But even more, help me to never forget what You did for me on the cross.  My desire is to live the greatest story ever told every day of my life.  I want to bring You glory because of what You have given to me.  Thank You, Lord.  I am forever grateful and I will never forget!  In Jesus' name, the name above all names, I pray, AMEN.

My Pleasure,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Best Friend!

Godly Character.  Prayer Warrior.  Spiritual Leader. Wise.  Protector.  Loving Husband.  Great Dad.  My Best Friend.  Just a few words that describe the one who won my heart over 30 years ago on a... "blind date". 

Two weeks before our blind date, I had poured my heart out to God and surrendered the choosing of my husband.  I hadn't done a very good job with the dating scene, although I had dated some really wonderful guys, I had not allowed God to choose my dates for me.  So, one night in my bed, on my knees and through tears, I surrendered this very important issue to the Lord and asked Him to bring into my life the one He wanted me to marry.  In less that 2 weeks, my girl friend was making plans for Rick and I to meet on a blind date.  At age 17, I knew that God had answered my prayer.  The next 5 years would prove to be some of the most crucial in our life together.  They were the most incredible years of dating, of growing in love with my future husband, growing more in love with Jesus Christ through discipleship, spiritual growth, and the deep planting of spritual healthy roots; all of which have grounded us to this day.

Who is this man that God answered my prayer with over 30 years ago?  

Rick, my sweetheart!  The one who brings much love, joy, and leadership into my life and our family.  He brings security and a feeling of safety.  He is my earthly rock!  (And he's handsome too!)Rick is one of the most godly men I've ever known, next to my dad.  Rick is a true reflection of Jesus Christ to everyone with whom he comes in contact.  He doesn't separate his spiritual life from his every day life.  (In reality, you can't!)  What you see is what you get... a kind, compassionate gentleman who puts Jesus Christ above all in his life, family, and relationships.  He is the epitomy of a godly husband, father, friend, and leader. He pours himself into others through serving and discipling. He's a true prayer warrior for me, our children, and others.  It really encourages me to know he prays for me daily.

Why was he chosen for me? 
God had only one thing on His mind when He chose Rick for me.  His Glory!  God knew we could bring Him more glory together than apart.  Just like all marriages, we have our challenges, struggles, and differences, but how we respond to each other through the good and the bad is how we point others to or away from Christ.  Leading people to Christ is how we bring God glory.  We are all on display as we proclaim Jesus as Lord.  People are watching.  People are observing.  People are analyzing and scrutinizing.  Our marriage is a portrait of Jesus Christ and the unity (the oneness) of  the Trinity.  Our relationship should model the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Have we perfected that image in 26 years of marriage? No, not yet.  And it won't be perfect until we see Jesus face to face. But, hopefully, we have become more like Him during these years of loving, learning, and growing together.  With each precious year that we are allowed to love each other, our prayer is that we are displaying to our children, and the world, a beautiful portrait of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

How is this possible? 
Only with the power of the Holy Spirit abiding in and living through us, and with a husband who takes his role of the spiritual leader in our home seriously.  Rick has always taken his role very seriously and therefore, helps me to fulfill my role.  My responsibility as his wife is to pray for him and with him, to love him, and to help provide an atmosphere in our home that is warm, encouraging and comfortable.  An atmosphere in which he loves to come home to and doesn't want to leave. Living out God's design of a Christian marriage is hard work, but so worth the effort.  My husband's relationship with Jesus affects his relationship with me and vice versa.  Maintaining a healthy realtionship with our Lord individually, spills over into our relationship together.  I praise God today and everyday for a wonderful godly husband who loves me like Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for her.  It's an honor to be his wife!

"For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.  This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.  Nevertheless, let each of one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."  Ephesians 5:31-33 NKJV 

Rick,  I love you with all my heart!  I respect you and I love being your wife, the mother of our children, and your best friend!  (Sorry Kenny!)  :)

My Pleasure,

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Word I Heard

Monday.  The day after Sunday.  The day I either live what I believe or walk in a different direction. The question I'm asking myself this morning is, "Was the Word I heard yesterday and the worship I experienced with my brothers and sisters in Christ affecting the way I live today?"  I don't know yet.  I'm still thinking and writing through the experience this morning.  What did I hear?

My daughter was sick yesterday so she didn't attend church with us.  I left after the service to check on her and wasn't able to attend Sunday School, words I didn't hear.  The afternoon was filled with preparations for a concert I would be doing in the evening and I didn't have much time to ponder the sermon, words I did hear.  What I did think about, though, was the song that the women sang during the service.  It has been our Women's Ministry theme for about 5 years for our Summer Outreach event.  The song is "O Taste and See", based on Psalm 34:8.  "Taste and see that the Lord is good.."  This verse was playing over and over in my head yesterday.  So, the word I heard was, "taste"

The author of The Psalms uses this verbage, I think, because he knows that if you do "taste" the goodness of God, you will be satisfied with His flavor, and therefore continue to crave God more.  The author knows, because of his own experience, that once you "taste" the Lord, you will have found what satisfies your spiritual hunger, that gnawing deep down in your soul, and, as a result, you will not want to go anywhere else to curb your appetite for truth, goodness, mercy, and love.   The author also knows from experience, that if you try to satisfy your soul with something else, it may taste good for the moment, but will leave a nasty "after taste" in your spirit; sort of like a strong cup of coffee does in your mouth. Yuck!

So, what have I been "tasting" lately?  Have I tasted the Lord's goodness or do I have a nasty after taste in my soul?  What word did you hear yesterday that you are applying to Monday?  The Monday difference is living out the Sunday experience.  My writing and thinking today has led me to dwell on God's goodness this week.  His goodness fills me with joy!  I can't think of a better way to reflect Christ but to be joyful.  How can I not be?  I've tasted His goodness in so many ways that I know from experience, too, that my soul only finds satisfaction in Jesus Christ. 

Have a "tasteful" week!

My Pleasure,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Step Away

This morning, my daughter, Madison, began her junior year in high school.  Where have the years gone?   Earlier this week, she was cleaning out her closet and dresser drawers and found a photo album with some of her baby and toddler pictures.  It seems like yesterday that we brought this bundle of joy home from the hospital after a few days in the "nic-u", and placed her in a large Christmas stocking and took our picture under the Christmas tree.  What a gift she has been!  She is growing into such a beautiful young lady and makes my heart, and her daddy's heart, proud! 

Today I'm reminded of a song that I used to listen to in the car when Turner, my son, was small.  Sung by "Ariel", the Disney mermaid, it was a song about growing up and was sung from a mother's perspective.  The line that moved me to tears every time I heard it went something like this. "With every pair of new shoes, they take another step away from our care."  This is so true.  Every mark of growth on the wall or door frame,  means another step away.  Although it can be very emotional, it is also very exciting to watch your children grow.  Tomorrow, my son begins his senior year at the University of South Carolina.  He will be 22 years old in September.  He is now an adult and is even closer to stepping away and being on his own.  He is living at home this year after living away for two, and I couldn't be more thrilled to have him home for just a little while longer.  He is such a joy to have around.  He makes us smile and we're so proud of him!

Another step away, though, can also mean another step closer.  Closer to what?  Closer to the Father.  Closer to spiritual maturity.  Sure we all want our children to grow up to become independent, productive citizens of society, but more importantly, we want them to grow up and mature in Christ.  Another step away from the world and another step closer to Jesus.  This is what I'm excited about! Watching my children grow up in Christ. The most important job we have as parents is to parent towards that end- their spiritual maturity.

     My devotional this morning, from Mornings with Tozer, was about this very topic.  A.W. Tozer said, "The apostle Paul's greatest desire was to always move forward in the knowledge and blessing of God."  He went on to say, "Because he did not want to stand still, Paul testified: "I follow after; I press toward the mark.  I am striving to lay hold of that for which Christ laid hold on me!" (See Phillipians 3:12)" Just because we reach one mark doesn't mean we stay there.  We press on toward the goal of Christ likeness.  That's what spiritual maturity is- looking like Jesus.

The small window of time that we have our children in our care is crucial.  We not only need to love them, teach and train them in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord, but we have to live it in front of them each and every day.  We should all be in the process of stepping away from the world and stepping towards our Savior. 


My prayer for both of you is....

"That you might be filled with all the fulness of God."  
                                                                     Ephesians 3:19

I love you both so very much!  It's my incredible pleasure to be your mom!

My Pleasure,
Melanie (Mom)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Please Sir; I want some more."

Remember the musical, "Oliver"?  Near the beginning of the story, Oliver, an orphan, is sitting at the table with the many other orphans, talking amongst themselves and eating their bowls of porridge.  It's very loud in the dirty, dungeon-like cafeteria. The boys around Oliver talk him into asking for some more.  All of a sudden, in the midst of the chaos, this very meek child gets up from his place and begins a long, slow walk toward the very large, gruff man in charge.  All eyes begin to follow Oliver, and the silence becomes so thick, you can hear a pin drop.  Then Oliver, as he reaches his destination, begins to speak in his trembling, pre-puberty voice and says, "More, please."  The large, gruff man is furious and says, "What did you say?".  Oliver politely responds, "Please Sir; I want some... more?"  Then in a very loud, disturbing voice, the man says, "MORE?"  Then all heck breaks loose and the orphans go wild!

I began thinking about this scene from this wonderful musical this morning as a result of last night's portion of an event that I've been attending this week.  The event is a VBS (Vacation Bible School) for women, designed and taught by the author, Denise Hildreth Jones. The Women's Ministry at Bethel Worship Center in Camden, SC are hosting the event for three evenings.  The scene from the musical, though, is totally opposite from how our Heavenly Father responds to our asking for more.  I love to learn more about God's Word and about His character.  It's so "filling" and satisfying to receive "more" from the One who feeds my spirit.  Denise is pouring out on us, this week, what she has been given so we can be filled with more.  Thanks Denise!

As we receive more, more is required. We are responsible for doing something with the "more" that God gives us.  In Luke 12:48, Jesus is teaching through a parable about the faithful servant and the evil servant.   He is cautioning them to stay focused and to be prepared for His coming, the second time. He has given them, His disciples, knowledge, spiritual ears to hear and the ability to understand what He is talking about.  Now it's their turn to respond.  They are to live according to the wisdom and knowledge that they have received.  What they learn, and now, Who they know, should change their lives.  Jesus says, "But to him who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few.  For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required;...". NKJV (Jesus used the Master-slave analogies quite often because of the culture they lived in.)

Learning more is not only gaining head knowledge; it's applying the knowledge that you receive to your heart.  The heart is our soul.  It's what defines us.  It's our inner most being.  We are responsible for the knowledge that we receive.  As disciples of Christ, we are to put that knowledge into action.  The action is called "obedience".  The "more" we receive, the more we should look like Christ.  That's called "transformation".  His image reflected in and through our lives is the ultimate end of the "more" that He continues to reveal to us.  Wisdom, which is seeing life from God's perspective, leads to teaching others about the knowledge that we've received from God. Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."  NKJV  We obey because of our fear of the Lord.  Fear doesn't mean that we cower. It means that we love God so much that we would'nt dare... not to obey Him.  The fear of the Lord is a healthy understanding of who God is, what He requires, and then living out, in faith, what we believe and understand to be true. 

Do you want "some more"?  First, we have to finish what's on our plate; applying what He's already fed us and then ask for more. The more we live out what He's given us, the more glory He receives.  With ladle in hand, it would be His pleasure to serve you up "some more"!

"Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning." Proverbs 9:9 NKJV

My Pleasure,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Front Row Seat

Saturday, July 23, 2011, around 10:15 pm, a very special friend stepped over into the presence of God.  Her name is Jennifer.  Her earthly tent collapsed last night and God rescued her soul.  She belonged to Him and He immediately healed her, gave her a brand new, glorified body, as she simultaneously saw Jesus face to face!  " be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord." ( 2 Cor. 5:6-7 NKJV)         

Jennifer had suffered for many years with lots of health issues, but her brief, yet severe, battle with cancer came to an end last night.  She was a very upbeat person and had a very strong faith.  Jesus was her refuge and strength in her times of need.  Her life verse was Matthew 6:33"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." NKJV  Rick and I knew that Jennifer had had a tough week.  We just saw her last Sunday and she was so sick, but still at church.  If there was any way she and her husband, Tony, could get there, they were not going to miss. 

As I shared in a previous blog called "Missing Dad", God sometimes gives us very clear glimpses of what He's up to in the midst of our day to day life.  He did it again on Friday.  Rick and I had traveled to Charleston (one of our favorite places) for the day.  This is where we spent our honeymoon, many weekends, and where we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.  The weather was scorching, but the day was beautiful.  We walked and shopped in the historical district downtown most of the day.  Several times Rick suggested that we should take our lunch down to the Waterfront Park and eat outside.  It was 98 degrees plus the heat index which made it feel even hotter.  On top of that, I have my own internal heat index that rises unannounced even if the air conditioning is blowing full force, so why would I want to go sit outside in the heat, be miserable, and eat?   I just wanted to stay as cool as possible.  So we ate at a little cafe and sat inside!

As late afternoon was approaching, Rick asked me one more time if I wanted to go down to the Waterfront Park.  This time I gave in and said, "Ok."  We headed that direction and as we got closer, the air was actually cooler and the wind was blowing.  It was absolutely beautiful.  We stood at the rail across the front of the boardwalk and took in the view of the water, the sailboats, and the people.  As I looked down at the water, a small section was sparkling just like the water was sparkling at the lake. (I talk about that in "Missing Dad", a few blogs back.)  It wasn't a large section, but just a small portion that caught my eye.  I reminded Rick about the precious visual that God had given me about heaven at the lake a couple of weeks ago. 

As we continued to take in the sights, Rick asked what that was on the other side of the bay.  It looked like an island with a round building on it.  I jokingly said, "It's the Isle of Patmos".  We both laughed and talked about John and his revelation that God had given him.  I kept eyeing the large swings that were on the boardwalk and the next thing I knew, the one in the very front became available.  A front row seat!  I discreetly told Rick that I was going to ease myself over and grab that one for us.  He's a little slow and doesn't like to make a scene, so I made it over to the swing before anyone else did. 

While we were swinging, Rick noticed that across the bay, out on the sandbar of the island (the one we had talked about earlier), was a white cross.  He said, "I wonder who put that cross there or what it's for?"  I told him that someone must have died and the cross was placed there in their memory, like people do on highways where someone has been killed.  The difference though between those crosses and this one was that this one was pure white.  No flowers; no name; just a white cross.  It was a beautiful sight out across the ocean looking at this solid white cross and not knowing why it was there.

Today, during Sunday School, God reminded me of those little glimpses of glory. As I reviewed them over again in my head, I said to myself, "He did it again!"  Now I understood the meaning of what He displayed for us on Friday:

1.  The coolness of the breeze; a sense of calm and "Ahhh!"-  No need to fear.  Jennifer would soon be at peace.

2.  The small section of water that sparkled- This was a glimpse of what Jennifer would soon see- the glory of God!

3.  The island and the discussion on Revelation-  The Scripture that Rick would read this morning was from Revelation as we, her Sunday School class, mourned and celebrated Jennifer's homegoing. 

4.  The cross on the sandbar on the other side of the bay-  A reminder that Jennifer was at the water's edge, preparing to cross over and see Jesus!

Is God not incredible?  He gave Rick and me a front row seat to catch a glimpse of His glory.  He was preparing us for the day ahead, Saturday.  If we had not taken the time to walk to the Waterfront Park, observe the view, and take a seat in the front, we would have missed the beautiful description of what Jesus was preparing to do- escort Jennifer over to the other side, and into the presence of the Father.

What is God trying to show you?  Are you sitting in the best seat in the house- at the feet of Jesus?  He wants to show you so much of His glory.  He desires for you to pay attention to His story- the story that He is telling each and every day.  Do you know Him well enough to recognize His voice?  Do you look when He says, "Look!"?  Do you listen when He says, "Listen!"? Do you obey when He says, "Obey!"?  Please don't miss the glory moments!  He is saving you a front row seat.  Will you take it?

My Pleasure,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

God Knows!

I had the incredible opportunity Tuesday evening to share a portion of my life with a den full of ladies.  Our Women's Ministry has a summer outreach project that we call "Taste and See". The name comes from Psalm 34:8 which says, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" NKJV  Three times during the summer, ladies open up their homes in various neighborhoods, invite churched and unchurched women to hear how great God is through a portion of someone's life story, and provide an atmosphere that is full of excitement.   It's a great night of food, fellowship, and  presenting Jesus in a simple way to women who may not know Him, as well as challenge those who do to draw closer to the One who loves them most. 

I was asked to share the portion of my story about how God pushed me to make contact with my birthmother.  The story is all about how our heavenly Father knows best.  I never had a hint of a desire to know anything about the person who brought me into this world, placed me in foster care, and chose adoption.  It didn't matter to me.  I loved the fact that "I was selected, not expected." (That was the phrase used in my Adoption announcements.) All that mattered was that God had placed me in a loving, wonderful home with godly parents whom I love with all my heart.  I didn't need anything else.  I was content and very happy with life just the way it was; but God knew something I didn't.

Without telling the whole story, here's a snippet.  I thought life was just peachey.  I had ups and downs just like everyone else.  But what I wasn't aware of was the underlying story plot that was being written while I was living life on the surface and in my own small world.  Adoption was always celebrated in our family and never something that was shoved under a rug.  This particular day, we were celebrating my 40th adopted day in our ususal way (lunch at the "Shrimper"), and as we were leaving, out of the blue, my mom and dad told me if I ever wanted to look up my information, it was alright with them.  That was not even expected and it definitely blew me away.  Why would they feel it was necessary to give me their blessing now?  I'm 40 years old.  God knew why.  He had been testing my faith and my level of obedience through my life's circumstances and I wasn't even aware of it.  Choosing to send off for my DSS (Department of Social Services) papers at the age of 42, was stretching me enough, I thought, but God continued to pull me through an adventure of obedience that would have never even been on my "Bucket List".  When I finally bit the bullet and sent for the papers, I was speaking a lot in concert settings.  I used my adoption story regularly through these ministry opportunities and my background information would help to fill in a few blanks.

 Almost a year to the day after sending off for my DSS papers, I received my background information in the mail.  My dad had been very ill and had passed away during that year.  My mother was declining from dementia and was now living in an assisted living facility.   During that year of care-giving for my father and mother, I was not even thinking about the papers. God knew that it would take a year because He planned it that way.  While I was care-giving, He was writing more of my story under the surface which would ultimately lead me to make contact with my birthmother.  The day I received the long awaited, manilla folder of information from DSS was the day that God literally gave me a "light show" that proves what the author says in Psalm 139:12. "Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You." (NKJV)  At that very moment, as I am anxiously reading through my DSS papers (the ones that have dark sharpie lines through the private information; the papers that are not supposed to reveal any private information), God lit those lines up with His light so I could read through every dark place that should have been hidden.  Wow!  I thought I was going to throw up.  He was revealing information to me that was not supposed to be revealed this side of heaven, according to DSS.  He was revealing His power with what was happening right before my eyes. And at the age of 43, I was being catapulted into a whole new world that I definitely had no desire to explore.

God knew what I didn't know and now He wanted me to know some private things.  One was that my birthmother had suffered from depression for 43 years (my age).  She had been distraught over the unknown and a decision that she had been forced to make.  Two, she was bed-ridden and ill.  God knew that she needed some peace of mind to move forward and He wanted to use me to help her.  Two days after "seeing" my information, I was able to make contact easily (it was really too easy) with the oldest birth sister, who shared the above information with me.  As I was talking to the oldest on the phone, another birth sister just "happened" to be lying on the bed with my birthmom that evening to give her some company.  Later, this sister told the older one that while they were lying there, my birthmother said to her, "I hope Laura can forgive me someday."  (That was my birth name- Laura.)  As I was on the phone making the very first contact with this family, my birthmom, lying in her bed somewhere else, was thinking about me and desiring my forgiveness.  Who knew?  God did!  She thought I was angry and bitter towards her.  On the contrary!  I was grateful that she had given me up.  I know it had to have been hard, but she made the best decision.  God knew what He was doing. She couldn't have kept me in the situation she was in.  She even could have aborted me. But because of her choosing adoption, I was blessed to have a wonderful family- loving, godly parents.  I have a sister who was also adopted.  I now have a fabulous, godly husband, and two children who are the joy of my life.  I also have Jesus, the greatest of all pleasures!  How could I ask for more?  How could I be bitter? God knew that she needed peace and the only way that healing could begin was with me.  She needed to hear from my own lips that I was alright and that I harbor no hard feelings towards her.  She needed to be free and God orchestrated the most incredible reunion with a family that I didn't even have a desire to know. 

All of the details of how this came to be will just blow your mind.  Maybe I'll share more of the story another time. But today, I wanted you to hear that "God knows".  He knows you better than you know yourself.  He knows that the underlying story is being written for His glory.  He knows that you need Him.  He knows that He loves you with an unconditional love that has no match.  He knows what you are going through right now, this very moment, and yes, He cares!  Trust Him to continue writing your story.  He already knows you intimately and He writes the best stories ever.  Spend time with the Author and Creator of all life.  He wants you to pen His story of glory right along with Him.

Hang on!  What God knows will blow you away!

My Pleasure,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"The Excellent Glory"

How do you address God, the Father when you call His name?  In 2nd Peter chapter 1, Peter is talking about witnessing the majesty of Jesus Christ on the mountain of transfiguration.  Here's what he says.  "For we.... were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory:  "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain." 
(2 Peter 1:16-18) NKJV

"The Excellent Glory".  Have you ever thought about or seen that name? I haven't. Nor have I heard anyone else, that I remember, refer to God in that way. I've always thought about God's glory as something He receives, and wears, not His name. 

Many times in an old movie, or in a fairy tale, or even throughout history, a king is referred to as "your majesty" or "your excellency", but God, the Father is called "The Excellent Glory" by Peter. That just gives me goosebumps!  What a name!  What a royal, majestic name!  No one else deserves this honor and no one else will ever be called this name. "The Excellent Glory" belongs to God and God alone.  I will never view worship, privately or corporately, in the same way again!  As I bow before the King of Kings, it will be my pleasure to address Him as "Your Excellent Glory"!  What about you?

"Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on the earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."  Phillipians 2:9-11 NKJV

My Pleasure,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Missing Dad!

On Monday, July 10, 2005, very early in the morning, my dad's faith was made sight.  My earthly hero saw, for the first time, his Savior face to face.  No more tears.  No more pain.  No more suffering.  What a moment.  Relief!  Release!  Renewed!  This past weekend didn't seem any different from any other weekend.  My dad's death date wasn't even on my radar screen, but every where I turned, something reminded me of my daddy. I was thinking a lot about him, but what didn't click was why these precious memories were flowing so frequently to the surface...until today.

Friday night, Rick and I were riding back home from a sweet date night and Butterfly Kisses was playing on the radio.  I love that song, but it always made me cry as I thought about my dad.   I even gave him a book by Bob Carlyle titled "Butterfly Kisses" with a personal inscription from me a few years before he died.  Every time the song would come on the radio, I would avoid it.  But this night, I thought it had been long enough so I didn't say anything at first. Then, not too far into the song, the tears began to flow and I asked Rick to change the station.  I told him, "I still can't listen to that song.  It reminds me of my dad."

Saturday night, I was flipping through to see what was on the TV and David Phelps was being featured on the Gaither Special.  I love David's voice so Rick and I tuned in.  I was sitting in the middle of the floor cleaning out an older purse and filling up a new one when David began to sing, "No More Night".  Our former youth pastor, Jeff, has a voice as close to David's as anyone I know and he sang "No More Night" at my dad's Celebration Service.  Another memory.  More tears.

Sunday, after lunch, Madison, Turner, one of  Madison's friends, and I went to the lake to spend the day with my best friend's family.  (Rick had two meetings at church, so he couldn't go.)  The kids had been tubing and I was enjoying one of my simple pleasures, boat riding.  When we decided to return to the lake house from riding and tubing, I was riding on the front of the boat just taking in the beauty of the lake, when I noticed that the sunlight was hitting the water just right to make the ripples look like millions of diamonds flashing their brilliance.  The sparkles were so magnificent that I thought, "That must be what the Crystal Sea looks like in heaven, only it never dims. The glory of God keeps it eternally shimmering and that's what my dad is experiencing right now!  God's glory!"  (It still hadn't hit me that Sunday was the day my dad went to be with Jesus.) The sight of the lake led me to memories about my days growing up around the lake with my dad and family.  Memories of driving the boat, skiing, cooking breakfast and fresh fish on a Coleman grill out under the trees, picnics, teaching people of all ages to ski, swimming, my dad singing to the top of his lungs as he floated in the cove on a big, black intertube, crickets playing their symphonies as we lay in our beds at night.  The memories were crashing in like the waves on the shoreline.  It was wonderful and bittersweet at the same time. 

Then today, it hit me as to why those memories were so timely.  It was 6 years yesterday that my dad went home!  Those memories were a gift from God to celebrate the life of my dad.  They were reminders of the good times we had together and the love of Jesus that just rolled off of him and onto all who came in contact with him.  The tears still flow, but I'm so glad to know that my dad is where I will see him again one day...with my Savior! 

Until then dad...I love you and I miss you!

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a  place for you.  And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  And where I go you know, and the way you know."  (John 14:1-4 NKJV)

My Pleasure,

Friday, July 8, 2011

" Launching a New Season"

What happens when a season in your life comes to an end?  God launches a new one! That's what happens!  Preparation for the launching of a new season has begun for me this summer.  I have worked on the music staff of my church for the past 15 plus years, and I've served as pianist for 25 years.  My latest position was Interim Worship Leader which lasted for 2 and a half years while we searched for a Senior pastor and a Worship pastor.  Since we now have hired both, my assignment is back to pianist.  I love what I do and I praise God for the opportunity to use the talents that he's entrusted me with to serve in this capacity.  I've lived and learned a lot.

My life, though, has dramatically changed! I'm able now to be at home much more than before, and I love it! No more staff meetings, worship planning, designing worship services, and special events.  I'm not in charge of rehearsals, or planning rehearsals.  No more proofing media or bulletins for Sunday morning worship.  It's not that I didn't enjoy doing those things, because I did, but it was only for a season.  I'm  still teaching piano from home, but my days are much more flexible now.  I can sleep in if I choose.  I can drink my coffee much slower.  I can read my Bible at my leisure.  I can clean house, wash clothes and not feel rushed or overwhelmed.  This slower pace is much more to my liking and I consider this new season a great gift from God.  

My ultimate goal has always been to be at home and to be a full-time mom.  God has been gracious in allowing me to have much flexibility in the teaching positions I've had, as well as, the many ministry jobs that I've served in. I wouldn't trade being available for our children for anything in the world.  Being a mom is still one of the most incredible pleasures that I have and one that I truly cherish!  Our son is 21 and will be a senior this fall at the University of South Carolina. (Home of the Back-to-Back National Baseball Champions!!) Our daughter is 16 and will be a junior in high school. They don't need me quite as much as they used to, but I'm HOME and here when they do! 

This new season has meandered in at age 48!  It brings with it a lot of time to think.  There is much more "alone" time than I've ever had before.  It comes with challenges and more prayer time.  "Dear Lord, how do I schedule my days now?  What do I do first?  What should I accomplish for You today?"  A lot of women would probably ask themselves, "Who needs me now?  What am I going to do with myself since I don't have a job anymore."  That's a trap that Satan would like to set, but not for me.  I have actually looked forward to this time, this season, so I can minister in a much different way.  I know God isn't finished with me yet!  He's never finished until He takes us home!

God called me to write several years ago, but I didn't know the "how" or the "what, when  or "whys" of it all. Then He allowed me the chance to go to a "She Speaks" Conference which is put on by Proverbs 31 Ministries. Through this conference the Holy Spirit spurred me on to begin a magazine. So, I started one about three years ago.  It's called "Living Real". (  The second issue just came out this past May of 2011.  Because of the Interim Worship Leading position, I wasn't able to work on the magazine like I needed to, but God was teaching me some things.  Now I have the time to work on articles, edit, sell ads, and do what God has been training me for all of these years.  I'm so excited about this new adventure and I'm loving every minute of it!  As you know, I also started blogging.  Who would have "thunk" it?

I heard a speaker about 10 years ago say that we (moms) don't need to be in ministry, especially one that takes us away from our families, until we have completed the first job that God has called us to which is training and teaching our children in the way that God desires so that when they are old they will not depart from the teaching of the truth.  The speaker said that it's also difficult to minister with little life experience.  This doesn't mean that we can't minister in any capacity if we're young moms; it just means that we minister on different levels in different seasons of motherhood.  I now have 48 years of experience in many areas of life and ministry that God can use as I move into the next season of ministry.  And I say, "Bring it on!"

God never stops growing us, teaching us, or using us.  God wants us to be available in whatever season of life we are in.  If we are paying attention to the lessons in life that He's using to teach us now, and we learn from them, then we have so much to offer as we exit one season and merge into the next.  Live and learn in the "now". Don't rush the seasons.  They're all for a reason.
"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:"
                                                                                                (Ecc. 3:1 NKJV)

This summer, God's preparing me to launch a new, season premier this fall!  Stay tuned!  You won't want to miss one single episode of...

My Pleasure,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Psalm 121- A Promise, Up Close and Personal

Today, I just want to post Scripture.  Wherever you are and in whatever circumstance you find yourself in today, there is hope and strength in the Lord.  Psalm 121 says,

"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills-
From whence cometh my help?
My help cometh from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not let thy foot be moved;
He who keeps thee does not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is thy keeper;
The Lord is thy shade at thy right hand.
The sun shall not strike thee by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil;
He shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in
From this time forth and for evermore."
                                                                    Psalm 121 KJV

After reading through this beautiful, poetic passage of promise, let's make it personal.  Now read it again and insert the words "my" for "thy" and "me" for "thee".

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills-
From whence does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow my foot to be moved;
He who keeps me will not slumber
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is my keeper;
The Lord is my shade at my right hand.
The sun shall not strike me by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve me from all evil;
He shall preserve my soul.
The Lord shall preserve my going out and my coming in
From this time forth and forevermore."   Psalm 121
                                                                 (Scripture Promise Personalized)

When you have a moment, go to (Brookland Tabernacle Choir singing "My Help") and listen to this passage again as Brookland Tabernacle Choir sings it!  What power!  What a promise!

My pleasure,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Ready? Set... GO!"

After the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, but before He ascended to the Father in heaven, Matthew tells us:  "Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.  When they saw Him, they worshiped him, but some doubted.  And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, "All authority has been  given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen."  (Matthew 28:16-20 NKJV)

Last Thursday night, my in-home Bible study group met.  We meet at my house once a week during the school year, except when schools are out, and then this summer we are meeting once a month.  This group of women is a very unique mixture of personalities and ages.  We range in age from 20- somethings up to 60.  We love each other, encourage one another, pray for each other, and enjoy being together to study God's Word. 

I began teaching in-home Bible studies years ago to fulfill this great commandment that God gives to each of His children-His disciples.  My husband also does in-home Bible studies with the guys.  He leads on Tuesdays and I lead on Thursdays.  There are also other occasions that we have people over who have questions, concerns, or just need to be encouraged.  Many say our house should have revolving doors because our house is always open.  If we have the inexpressible pleasure of knowing Him, then He expects us to teach and disciple others to know Him, too.  If you notice in the verses above, Jesus didn't say, "If you would like to, go make disciples."  He didn't say, "When it's convenient, go make disciples."  He commissioned us!  It's a command!  He said, "Go" and do what I have shown you how to do.  He didn't say "Go" and do the best you can with who you are or what you've got. He said, "Go" and "I will be with you." His presence will be with us until the end of the age.  He promises to be with us "always".

Some of the girls in this particular Bible Study group have been with me for quite a while.  Some of them have just joined in, and some are somewhere in between.  We are all at different stages in our walks, but that's what discipling is all about.  It's making the choice to bring someone along side of you and helping them to seek, learn, and grow.  Then they are to do the same for another and another and so forth and so on!  Discipling is adding strength to the unbroken chain of the Church.  It links another "little Christ" to another "little Christ" and continues as long as we are on this earth. 

Some nights I think that I should keep some time for my family this week and I wish I didn't have this commitment.  But you know what, Jesus blesses my obedience every time I open my front door and say, "Welcome" to these women.  I'm just as much encouraged, if not more than they are.  I'm challenged in my spiritual growth.  Some of these girls are bold and courageous.  They are taking Jesus to places I've never thought of going.  They love Him and desire to be like Him in every aspect of their lives.  Sure, we struggle.  We ask questions.  We search for answers. We are learning, through the study of the book, 66 Love Letters, by Dr. Larry Crabb, what questions we need to be asking and not just asking God to cooperate and comply with our wants and desires.  God's Love Letters present a much bigger picture.  He doesn't dwell on our comfort, but on our being holy as He is holy.  He is also interested in us, His disciples, revealing His glory, not our stories as we think they should be told to the world.

Discipling is about loving, teaching, growing, and encouraging others to stay the course.  It's staying focused on the prize, and really living a life of faith; not just looking like we do.  It's one of "my pleasures" that God has called me to and one that brings Him pleasure as well. When I see one of those that has been entrusted to my care, caring for another, or staying the course through a difficult time, I rejoice!  It's a huge responsibility to take on the task of discipleship.  It's also time consuming.  But it is so worth the investment- an eternal investment in a life- a precious life that belongs to Jesus Christ, and one that has been "invited into His story to bring Him glory!"  ( Dr. Larry Crabb in The 66 Love Letters)

Each of us has to determine, with the help of the Holy Spirit, how we are to disciple.  Some of us will not disciple groups of people at a time.  Some will disciple one on one.  Some will disciple on different levels.  Where one person leaves off, another will pick up from there.  The point is we have to "Go".  Obedience is not up for debate. 

Who have you taken under your wing to disciple?  Who are you investing your time in?  Of course, our children should be our first priority, but who outside of your family can you pour yourself into, do life with, and show them more of Jesus and what His Word teaches? The thrill of leading someone to Christ is fabulous, but the task of taking them deeper is so rewarding.  Discipleship is helping one develop spiritual roots;  roots that are nourished with the Word and watered by the Holy Spirit so they will be strong with a foundation of faith that cannot be shaken.  Take the challenge and pour yourself into someone else who needs to grow.  You won't regret it!  You'll grow stronger and you'll bring great pleasure to the Master of Discipleship!  Ready?  Set...GO!
My Pleasure,

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Novel Review: The First Gardener by Denise Hildreth Jones

     As I was resting and relaxing at the beach this past week, I was priviledged to read a brand new novel by Denise Hildreth Jones called The First Gardener. This book will hit the stores this August.   I've never read an unedited, review copy of a book before and it was very exciting!  I finished the book on Friday before we left the beach to come home.  I wrote these thoughts in my "Thought Book" on the beach Friday afternoon.  I would like to share with you what I wrote as my first response, unedited, and exactly what came to mind as I thought about what I had just experienced in this incredibly intense book of Christian fiction.  I highly recommend it!  Great job, Denise!

"I smiled.  I laughed out loud.  I was lost in thought.  My eyes blurry with tears, deep grief, deep searching of the soul.  Suprise ending- spiritual truth. One of my pleasures- flowers.
I really wasn't sure why you chose me to read an unedited review copy of your novel, The First Gardener, until today.  This is what I saw that made me realize why: transparency, "real" life, "real" people, "real" faith through a story of fiction.  Real flowers with real meanings.  The Lily in particular- "return to happiness- complete."  What an emotional journey this was.  I felt as if I were there watching everything that happened.  It was fun, yet fierce.  Sassy, yet serious.  It was hard, yet healing.

Thank you for the honor of reading this incredible story.  I felt like it wasn't just a story but a journey from joy to despair and back to joy.  It was the discovery of who God truly is and the "bigness" of our loving heavenly Father.  The line of truth that Grace speaks to Mack, that even Suzy could parrot, "we go through" the hard times, the grief, the despair.  We can't go around it, under it, or over it and be changed.  "We go through" it with Him and He changes us for the better.  "The better" is more holy.  More like Jesus- a better reflection of Him than we were before the suffering.

The mystery of the story was wrapped up in the events where each subtle circumstance was an opportunity to uncover what God was up to. From the silliest of capers with the fearsome foursome to the sincerity of Jeremiah's prayers and his willingness to obey even if "he don' know why".

God's creation, another mystery of His glory made visible- the creation of children, the creation of flowers, the creation of love, emotions, beauty.  This story was a picture of God's beauty that shines through a broken world and when given permission, shines through broken people.  What ART!  What a treasure!"

My Pleasure,
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Pleasure of Family

My family spent this past week at Surfside Beach.  It's a tradition with our family and some extended family as well. We stay in the same beach house each year, the same week in June.  I began going with my husband's family to the beach before we were married.  He (Rick) would have to stay in the apartment below because I would get the extra bedroom upstairs. And even 30 years later, married and with children, we still continue this family vacation tradition. 

We have a wonderful time.  We play games, watch the College World Series, sun, swim, walk, talk, shop, and just enjoy being together.  This year we celebrated my mother-in-law's 80th birthday.  When I first started going with them to the beach she was turning 50.  Now Rick is 51 and I'll turn 50 in a couple of years. Ooo...that's unreal!

The week that we spend at the beach each year is Father's Day week.  We would have to celebrate with my dad before we left for the beach each year.  My mother's birthday is also that week and we would celebrate that early as well. This year my dad will have been gone 6 years in July and my mother turned 82 while we were away.  It's always a little bit sad when Father's Day arrives and my daddy isn't here anymore to celebrate with.  To add more sadness to it, my mother is declining with dementia and really hasn't had the concept of a calendar since my dad died.  We went by to see her today and to celebrate.  She didn't even know she had had a birthday, but she played it up well.  Her repetitive comment these days is, "I've really been blessed."  If she said it once today, she said it 10 times.  And you know, she's right! We have all been blessed!

One of my greatest pleasures is spending time with my family- my husband, my son, my daughter, my mom, my sister, my in-laws, and my extended in-laws.  Because my mom and dad are not "with me" like they once were, my in-laws are now parents to me.  I have terrific in-laws and could not have asked for better ones.  They are godly people who love me just like I was their own. 

God has given me the pleasure of having a loving family.  One that loves each other, but also one that loves God first.  He is the Pleasure that we all enjoy.  But even if we didn't have each other, we always have the pleasure of loving Jesus. An old hymn chorus says it all.  "Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus. Oh, how I love Jesus because He first loved me." (words by Frederick Whitfield)

Now it's back to the daily routine around here, if you can call the summer schedule a normal routine.  I love going to the beach with family, but I love being at home with them even more!