Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Best Friend!

Godly Character.  Prayer Warrior.  Spiritual Leader. Wise.  Protector.  Loving Husband.  Great Dad.  My Best Friend.  Just a few words that describe the one who won my heart over 30 years ago on a... "blind date". 

Two weeks before our blind date, I had poured my heart out to God and surrendered the choosing of my husband.  I hadn't done a very good job with the dating scene, although I had dated some really wonderful guys, I had not allowed God to choose my dates for me.  So, one night in my bed, on my knees and through tears, I surrendered this very important issue to the Lord and asked Him to bring into my life the one He wanted me to marry.  In less that 2 weeks, my girl friend was making plans for Rick and I to meet on a blind date.  At age 17, I knew that God had answered my prayer.  The next 5 years would prove to be some of the most crucial in our life together.  They were the most incredible years of dating, of growing in love with my future husband, growing more in love with Jesus Christ through discipleship, spiritual growth, and the deep planting of spritual healthy roots; all of which have grounded us to this day.

Who is this man that God answered my prayer with over 30 years ago?  

Rick, my sweetheart!  The one who brings much love, joy, and leadership into my life and our family.  He brings security and a feeling of safety.  He is my earthly rock!  (And he's handsome too!)Rick is one of the most godly men I've ever known, next to my dad.  Rick is a true reflection of Jesus Christ to everyone with whom he comes in contact.  He doesn't separate his spiritual life from his every day life.  (In reality, you can't!)  What you see is what you get... a kind, compassionate gentleman who puts Jesus Christ above all in his life, family, and relationships.  He is the epitomy of a godly husband, father, friend, and leader. He pours himself into others through serving and discipling. He's a true prayer warrior for me, our children, and others.  It really encourages me to know he prays for me daily.

Why was he chosen for me? 
God had only one thing on His mind when He chose Rick for me.  His Glory!  God knew we could bring Him more glory together than apart.  Just like all marriages, we have our challenges, struggles, and differences, but how we respond to each other through the good and the bad is how we point others to or away from Christ.  Leading people to Christ is how we bring God glory.  We are all on display as we proclaim Jesus as Lord.  People are watching.  People are observing.  People are analyzing and scrutinizing.  Our marriage is a portrait of Jesus Christ and the unity (the oneness) of  the Trinity.  Our relationship should model the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Have we perfected that image in 26 years of marriage? No, not yet.  And it won't be perfect until we see Jesus face to face. But, hopefully, we have become more like Him during these years of loving, learning, and growing together.  With each precious year that we are allowed to love each other, our prayer is that we are displaying to our children, and the world, a beautiful portrait of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

How is this possible? 
Only with the power of the Holy Spirit abiding in and living through us, and with a husband who takes his role of the spiritual leader in our home seriously.  Rick has always taken his role very seriously and therefore, helps me to fulfill my role.  My responsibility as his wife is to pray for him and with him, to love him, and to help provide an atmosphere in our home that is warm, encouraging and comfortable.  An atmosphere in which he loves to come home to and doesn't want to leave. Living out God's design of a Christian marriage is hard work, but so worth the effort.  My husband's relationship with Jesus affects his relationship with me and vice versa.  Maintaining a healthy realtionship with our Lord individually, spills over into our relationship together.  I praise God today and everyday for a wonderful godly husband who loves me like Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for her.  It's an honor to be his wife!

"For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.  This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.  Nevertheless, let each of one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."  Ephesians 5:31-33 NKJV 

Rick,  I love you with all my heart!  I respect you and I love being your wife, the mother of our children, and your best friend!  (Sorry Kenny!)  :)

My Pleasure,

1 comment:

  1. Melanie,
    Reading your story made my heart swell up with a resounding YES! YES this is how we are supposed to approach the search for a life partner. YES how we respond to that person draws people closer to God or farther away. YES it is our privilege as Christian wives to set the tone in our homes for hospitality, kindness, safety, and love. YES all that is good about marriage comes from God, our heavenly bridegroom who wants our relationship on this earth to model his love for us -- sacrificial, tender, forever. Amen and Amen. Well said, girlfriend.
