Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"We Will Never Forget!" (or have we?)

Bumper stickers, signs and banners, hats, shirts, etc... all bearing the phrase, "We Will Never Forget!" The most horrific event in my lifetime occured 10 years ago on September 11, 2001.  I remember watching with horror and disbelief as the tragedy unfolded on the television. Watching that unbelievable cloud of dust and debris rolling down the streets of New York City like a tsunami engulfing everything in it's path; people emerging from the dust cloud looking like zombies.  Who could do such a thing?   I remember thinking about the freedom that we all share but take for granted in this country.  I thought about my then 6 year old daughter and 11 year old son.  Were they safe in their classrooms at school?  Should I go get them and bring them home?  What or who was the terrorists' next target? Those poor people!  What about their families?  How do these people get past something this devestating? As I relived that day with the rest of the nation, it was as horrifying as the first time I watched.  

Now a decade has past.  My children are 16 and 21.  We have lived through another 10 years, and some  have passed away during these last 10 years.  Life for most of us has moved on, but those who lost their lives that day missed the past 10 years with their families;  watching their children grow up, graduations, marriages, births, Mother's Days, Father's Days, Christmases, vacations, etc... And for those who were left, what should be joyful occasions, are bittersweet because someone is missing.

My church family remembered the 9/11 tenth anniversary through a musical called "Shelter" based on the 46th Psalm.  My family remembered through images on TV and conversation.  The country remembered through memorials and special services, TV interviews with survivors, and interviews with family members of survivors.  For me, the entire weekend was heavy and very somber.  In what way did you remember?

Horrific acts are remembered, reviewed, revisited, and retold throughout history such as World War I, World War II, Pearl Harbor, The Korean War, Vietnam, The Hollocaust, The Oklahoma bombing, Columbine, etc.  But there is another horrific story that still needs to be retold today and everyday...the story of the cross.  It was a horrific death for anyone, but especially for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He chose to leave heaven, to give His life, and die on a cross for you and me;  to take on the wrath of God Almighty, His Father, to take the punishment for our sins, yours and mine.  He bore the horrible scourgings, beatings, being spat upon, being humiliated, and the crown of thorns placed on his head, and excruciating pain. While His blood flowed, He was nailed to a cruel cross, and hung to die a slow death for all to see.  This was the most incredible event ever in the history of mankind.  He chose death so we could live life through Him and with the power of the Holy Spirit.  His life was the only one that could satisfy the wrath of God for the sins of the world once and for all.  Jesus tells us to remember Him every time we receive the Lord's Supper.  That's how church families remember together.  But how do we remember, review, revisit, and retell the greatest story ever told in front of the world, and tell those who may have never heard the story of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, redemption and healing?  Simple!  Live out what Christ died for.  Live out what you have received from Him. Live a life of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing, each and everyday!  Our lives should be a "His-story" book!

Dear Jesus,
Help me to never forget the lives that were lost in 9/11, their families, the first responders, soldiers who have given their lives, and the soldiers still fighting for freedom today.  Help me to never forget that I live in the greatest nation in the world built on Your truths.  But even more, help me to never forget what You did for me on the cross.  My desire is to live the greatest story ever told every day of my life.  I want to bring You glory because of what You have given to me.  Thank You, Lord.  I am forever grateful and I will never forget!  In Jesus' name, the name above all names, I pray, AMEN.

My Pleasure,

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