Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Ready? Set... GO!"

After the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, but before He ascended to the Father in heaven, Matthew tells us:  "Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.  When they saw Him, they worshiped him, but some doubted.  And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, "All authority has been  given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen."  (Matthew 28:16-20 NKJV)

Last Thursday night, my in-home Bible study group met.  We meet at my house once a week during the school year, except when schools are out, and then this summer we are meeting once a month.  This group of women is a very unique mixture of personalities and ages.  We range in age from 20- somethings up to 60.  We love each other, encourage one another, pray for each other, and enjoy being together to study God's Word. 

I began teaching in-home Bible studies years ago to fulfill this great commandment that God gives to each of His children-His disciples.  My husband also does in-home Bible studies with the guys.  He leads on Tuesdays and I lead on Thursdays.  There are also other occasions that we have people over who have questions, concerns, or just need to be encouraged.  Many say our house should have revolving doors because our house is always open.  If we have the inexpressible pleasure of knowing Him, then He expects us to teach and disciple others to know Him, too.  If you notice in the verses above, Jesus didn't say, "If you would like to, go make disciples."  He didn't say, "When it's convenient, go make disciples."  He commissioned us!  It's a command!  He said, "Go" and do what I have shown you how to do.  He didn't say "Go" and do the best you can with who you are or what you've got. He said, "Go" and "I will be with you." His presence will be with us until the end of the age.  He promises to be with us "always".

Some of the girls in this particular Bible Study group have been with me for quite a while.  Some of them have just joined in, and some are somewhere in between.  We are all at different stages in our walks, but that's what discipling is all about.  It's making the choice to bring someone along side of you and helping them to seek, learn, and grow.  Then they are to do the same for another and another and so forth and so on!  Discipling is adding strength to the unbroken chain of the Church.  It links another "little Christ" to another "little Christ" and continues as long as we are on this earth. 

Some nights I think that I should keep some time for my family this week and I wish I didn't have this commitment.  But you know what, Jesus blesses my obedience every time I open my front door and say, "Welcome" to these women.  I'm just as much encouraged, if not more than they are.  I'm challenged in my spiritual growth.  Some of these girls are bold and courageous.  They are taking Jesus to places I've never thought of going.  They love Him and desire to be like Him in every aspect of their lives.  Sure, we struggle.  We ask questions.  We search for answers. We are learning, through the study of the book, 66 Love Letters, by Dr. Larry Crabb, what questions we need to be asking and not just asking God to cooperate and comply with our wants and desires.  God's Love Letters present a much bigger picture.  He doesn't dwell on our comfort, but on our being holy as He is holy.  He is also interested in us, His disciples, revealing His glory, not our stories as we think they should be told to the world.

Discipling is about loving, teaching, growing, and encouraging others to stay the course.  It's staying focused on the prize, and really living a life of faith; not just looking like we do.  It's one of "my pleasures" that God has called me to and one that brings Him pleasure as well. When I see one of those that has been entrusted to my care, caring for another, or staying the course through a difficult time, I rejoice!  It's a huge responsibility to take on the task of discipleship.  It's also time consuming.  But it is so worth the investment- an eternal investment in a life- a precious life that belongs to Jesus Christ, and one that has been "invited into His story to bring Him glory!"  ( Dr. Larry Crabb in The 66 Love Letters)

Each of us has to determine, with the help of the Holy Spirit, how we are to disciple.  Some of us will not disciple groups of people at a time.  Some will disciple one on one.  Some will disciple on different levels.  Where one person leaves off, another will pick up from there.  The point is we have to "Go".  Obedience is not up for debate. 

Who have you taken under your wing to disciple?  Who are you investing your time in?  Of course, our children should be our first priority, but who outside of your family can you pour yourself into, do life with, and show them more of Jesus and what His Word teaches? The thrill of leading someone to Christ is fabulous, but the task of taking them deeper is so rewarding.  Discipleship is helping one develop spiritual roots;  roots that are nourished with the Word and watered by the Holy Spirit so they will be strong with a foundation of faith that cannot be shaken.  Take the challenge and pour yourself into someone else who needs to grow.  You won't regret it!  You'll grow stronger and you'll bring great pleasure to the Master of Discipleship!  Ready?  Set...GO!
My Pleasure,

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